haiku etc.
by Steve Dalachinsky
everybody’s selling something
i’d like to sell this cold &
windy day
heavy rains &
over night
cherry blossoms
sudden thunder —
cherry blossoms
hana gu mori — ( f lower clouds )
camellia blossom rests
in the buddha’s lap
i sit quietly on a bench
writing —
spring snow at my feet
red pine or cherry blossoms
which do you
morning haze
only birds & cherry blossoms
the weather rides itself
like a mad painting
thru the day
eating sweets &
watching cherry blossoms
is like a handshake
on each iris petal
last night’s rain
still air
still inside the tulip’s heart (red tulip)
rain water
the melody of the star
within the tulip’s
within the hollow
of the salt shaker
a f lickering residue
the sound of a life saver
against my teeth
cherry blossoms
yesterday hot
today cold
the ginkgo so confused
gentrification —
now even outside my door
blossoming pear trees
leaving the movie
on a clear late afternoon
full moon blossoming
the girl with the petals on her dress
blown down the street
by a sudden gust
the girl with the sky on her back
stops in sunlight
for a moment