A Message From the Memoirist — for Bibi
by Paul Pines
4:00 AM
at the Northwoods Inn
the room temp set for 70
but the fan never
stops blowing
I can’t sleep
imagine writers
driving the High Peaks
to slushy Lake Placid
where shortly after breakfast
I’ll talk to them about
writing a memoir
help them find a way
to let memory speak
for itself
will they think
I’m kidding
and go home?
I close my eyes
think about the way memory
spreads like an ocean
in the depths
of my mind
then spills
the abyss
of mind-before-thought
I’ll tell them
they are heroes who hear
Destiny’s call setting off
on a journey to redeem
a treasure hidden
in the dark
remind them
that memory is mother
of the muses
a self-organizing system
that breaks down
to re/new itself
at a level of greater
a spider
in whose belly
the web is
the oak
in the acorn
weaver of threads
into whole cloth
point out
that what’s re/membered
is made whole
pattern from which
all patterns
are born
the field
in which we
are embedded
in us
the Genius
who begins to whisper
in our ear as soon as our lips
touch Lethe
and we drop
into the