living in a serendipity

by Alexei Tsvetkov

i am a lonely boltzmann brain
stuck in a vacuum night
forever doomed to twitch in vain
in search for wrong and right

no sky above no solid ground
on which to grow a tree
no matter how i turn around
there is no one but me

and yet i have two feet all right
two arms to throw a ball
admit i may be not too bright
but human after all

life looms and floats but for all that
it seems well spun and true
and in the street i meet a cat
whom i address as you

yet physics is a cruel god
strained through its brutal sieve
the sky i craved the earth i trod
was strictly make-believe

i have been taken for a ride
my dream was thinly spread
and all i saw was the inside
of my imagined head

that spectral head will be laid low
in some black hole or worse
a mighty cosmic wind will blow
my person to disperse

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