The Barred Owl

by Robert Breen

I wait patiently, then here
Like Athena you appear
In a mist of sorts. I can

Not see you in this cover of
Night, you announce your presence
With a veil of majesty


Our neighborhood rejoices in you
Sky’s harvest moon passes by.
A screech outside our bedroom

Resembles an epic flight
That fills the autumn’s air, that
Resonates on every leaf,


This battle rages between us
Two what seems an eternity.
I wrap my wings around you

Wounded tears fill fluvial eyes.

I wipe wet dew from your thigh
And say “I am sorry”
You should never hurt the one


An impartial god never gives
An apology for harm
I, a mortal, realize.

Winter’s light glides through grass stalks
Encased in glass ice fields with
Birch trees peeling rose-white bark.

In spring, I will coax you once
More to ride the waves you love.
As I long for you the one


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