The Lovers

by Robert Hogg

The Lovers
for Mike MacLean & Jeanne Choquette

I sit in the kitchen under
the whirr of the ceiling
fan and write the sounds

of your voices in
the next room no
words I can discern

as you make love
first slowly then
urgently calling

each other’s name
quietly at first now
loudly yes yes

the love air open
though the door
between us

closed a safe room
by your friend who

aches for
the wonderment
you share

for you are
more than two
in the next room

and I am
more than one
hearing you

in the kitchen
the wall

because I hear
your cries
not words

no the words
are mine
to make

out of care
or I might
say love

for you
a common air

though now
to breathe
is somewhat

my lungs
too delicate

for air this
rich in