Brighton-Labor Day 2015

by Harry Nudel

a transparent eyeball:
I am nothing; I see all . . . R.W. Emerson

Summer’s End
Bkyln’s End

Sand to grey Sand
Gulls grey cavort

Life guard station
with bright umbrella

last swimmers at shore’s
continent’s edge

big & bigger thots
small smaller aging mind


Tatiana 1&2
Same lunch special

Raised the price
added Steamed Vegetables

took off the kvas
substituted diet coke

the ‘ greena ’ become
red white & blue

‘ alles ’ is the same
yet different


the crazy lady
munching her pastry

lipstick smeared
up to her nose

motley clothed
misshapen women

shabbos shop
for the bright kumquat

the dark scarecrow paired
Hasidim Hawk street corner religion

To black, brown & scarfed heads
& the stray Russian beauty

Blonde 6ft AllAmercan
Thin & Tall as Iowa corn


At the TelAviv Market
Abuttin’ the Starbucks

I buy two jars of
Cyrillic labelled
Matjes Herring

The Clerk rings up
the price & speaks in Russian

I want to unravel the strings
that bind me here

to the ‘ Stans ’
where my Parents wed

to the Siberian winter road
Where my mother first dreamt
of her first son

the Clerk prob. doesn’t hear
my thoughts & finally says



we are all a genetic dream
washed ashore in time

sink or swim. . . .

Brighton . . . my lost Russian youth . . . 2015