Adam Tavel
his poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in Night Train, The Apalachee Review, Poet Lore, Bad Subjects, and The Explicator, among others, and

Alyse Knorr

Amanda Dettmann

Amanda Dettmann

Andre Demers
is a banker by day, but a writer, actor, graduate student, and managing editor of The Café Review by night. He gives the muse her dues whenever he can.

Andrew Purcell
his work has appeared in The Adirondack Review, Birdfeast, The Balitmore Review, NightBlock, and Weave Magazine, among others. He received his

Anna Wrobel

Anne Britting Oleson
lives and writes in the mountains of central Maine. Her poetry, short stories and reviews have appeared worldwide. Her novel, The Book of the

Fall 2010 Issue, Fall 2010 Reviewers, Summer 2010 Issue, Summer 2010 Poets, Winter 2013 Issue, Winter 2013 Reviewers, Winter 2017, Winter 2017 Poets
Annie Seikonia

Bruce Spang
a teacher and writer, he works at Scarborough High School. He has published several books of poems, including To the Promised Land Grocery, by

Bruce Spang
a teacher and writer, he works at Scarborough High School. He has published several books of poems, including To the Promised Land Grocery

Bruce Spang
former Poet Laureate of Portland, Maine, and English teacher at Scarborough High School, just published a novel, The Deception of the Thrush. He

Bruce Spang
is the Poet Laureate of Portland, Maine, and recently retired from teaching English at nearby Scarborough High School. He is the editor of the

Bruce Spang
Bruce Spang: lives in Falmouth, Maine, teaches creative writing at Scarborough High School, and enjoys gardening and yoga. His latest book, To

Carl Little

Carl Little

Carl Little

Carl Little

Carl Little
Carl Little

Carl Little

Cathleen Miller

Cathleen Miller
holds a master’s degree in poetry from Temple University. Her poems have appeared in Chain, EOAGH, The Fanzine, and other journals. She

Christopher Hoffmann
teaches the interdisciplinary courses Nature and Culture and The Natural History of the Casco Bay Bioregion — as well as biology and

Christopher Hornbacker
is a PhD student in The University of Southern Mississippi’s Center for Writers. His poems are forthcoming or have recently appeared in Crab

Christopher Malone

Christopher Robley
splits his time between the Portlands — Oregon and Maine, always longing for the other. His music has been praised by NPR, the LA Times, the

Claire Hersom
is a native Mainer with three books of poetry to her credit, the most recent, Drowning: A Poetic Memoir, was published by Moon Pie Press in 2008.

Craig Sipe

Craig Sipe

Craig Sipe

Craig Sipe

Dana Wilde

Dana Wilde

Dana Wilde

Dana Wilde

Dana Wilde

Henry Kearney, IV
Henry Kearney, IV: is from Robersonville, North Carolina. He has an M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College.

Jefferson Navicky

Jefferson Navicky
his work has appeared in Stolen Island, Birkensnake, Hobart, Unbroken, and The Belfast Poetry Festival. He teaches English at Southern Maine

Jefferson Navicky
his work has recently appeared in The First Line, The Belfast Poetry Festival, Horse Less Review and Interrobang. His plays have been in The

Jefferson Navicky

Jefferson Navicky
his work has appeared in Quickfiction, elimae, Octopus, Smokelong Quarterly, and others. His chapbook, Map of the Second Person, was published

Jefferson Navicky
his work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in filling Station, Crossborder, Storm Cellar, The Catch, and Smokelong Quarterly. He teaches English

Jefferson Navicky
work has recently appeared in Horse Less Review, The New Guard, and Livestock. He teaches English at Southern Maine Community College, and lives

Jefferson Navicky

Jefferson Navicky
has recent work published in, or forthcoming in, Birkensnake, The Journal of Experimental Fiction Anthology, Off the Coast, Kindred and Hobart.

Jeri Theriault

Jeri Theriault

Jim Bishop

Jim Feast

John Reinhart

John Reinhart

Julie Poitras Santos

Julie Poitras Santos

Julie Poitras Santos

Julie Poitras Santos
has poems that have appeared, or are forthcoming, online in Glint, The New Guard: Bang!, La Fovea, and The Wesleyan University Press blog. Her

Julie Poitras Santos

Julie Poitras Santos

Julie Poitras Santos
has poems that have appeared, or are forthcoming, online in Glint, The New Guard: Bang!, La Fovea, and the Wesleyan University Press blog. Her

Julie Poitras Santos
has poems that have appeared, or are forthcoming, online in La Fovea, the Wesleyan University Press blog, and The New Guard: Bang! Her visual

Julie Poitras Santos

Julie Poitras Santos

Kate Partridge
received her MFA from George Mason University, and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Colorado Review, Blackbird, Arts & Letters,

Kevin Sweeney
is chair of the English department at Southern Maine Community College and has published poems in a number of journals. He has two books from

Kevin Sweeney

Kevin Sweeney
has degrees from California (Pa) State College and the University of Massachusetts. He is chair of the English Department at Southern Maine

Kevin Sweeney

Kevin Sweeney
has degrees from California (Pa) State College and the University of Massachusetts. He is chair of the English department at Southern Maine

Kevin Sweeney
has degrees from California (PA) State College and the University of Massachusetts. He is the chair of the English Department at Southern Maine

Kevin Sweeney

Kristen Stake
writes poetry, teaches Contact Improvisation dance, and practices massage therapy. She earned an MFA in Poetry Writing from Vermont College in

Kristen Stake
writes poetry, teaches Contact Improvisation dance, and practices massage therapy. She earned an MFA in Poetry Writing from Vermont College in

Kristen Stake

Kristen Stake
is a poet, contemporary dancer, and Thai massage therapist. She holds a master of fine arts degree in poetry from Vermont College and is

Lauren Hilger
was named the 2012 Nadya Aisenberg Fellow in Poetry from The MacDowell Colony and is a recipient of a Virginia Center for the Creative Arts

Leigh Donaldson
lives in Portland, Maine. His writing has appeared in publications such as the This I Believe website, International Poetry Review, Art Times,

Leigh Donaldson
his writing has appeared in publications such as The Montreal Review, Sojourners Magazine, Gastronomica, Art Times Journal, American Songwriter

Luc Diggle

M. A. Schorr
the new edition of his Heart’s Ladder (lulu.com) includes 22 dream songs, entitled Recovery, that were begun at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Mark DeCarteret

Mark Rice
is originally from northern New England. He received his M.F.A. from New York University and now teaches exceptional learners at a high school

Mark Rice
studied poetry and received his MFA from New York University. He was runner – up in the 2010 Sow’s Ear Poetry Review Poetry Contest

Mark Schorr
serves as Director Emeritus of the Robert Frost Foundation and teaches at Cambridge College in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His latest book is

Mark Schorr
currently serves as Executive Director of the Robert Frost Foundation in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His new manuscript is Sonnets and Songs of (I)

Mark Schorr
his most recent book is Aliens (POD, Denmark), a kitchen-table translation of Danish and English haiku and yotsomono with Niels Kjær. He teaches

Mark Schorr
is at work on his newest collection, Affordable Blues, and he still serves as Director Emeritus of the Robert Frost Foundation in Lawrence,

Mark Schorr
currently serves as Executive Director of the Robert Frost Foundation in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His new manuscript is Sonnets and Songs of (I)

Megan Grumbling

Megan Grumbling
is collaborating this fall with sound artist Dan Beckman on a reenactment – in – verse of the first live transatlantic radio

Megan Grumbling
is Reviews Editor for The Café Review, theater critic for the Portland Phoenix, and curator of LIT, a series of literary happenings at Mayo

Megan Grumbling
has published poems in Poetry, The Iowa Review, Crazyhorse, and other journals. She is currently collaborating on the modern opera Persephone in

Megan Grumbling
has had poems published in many journals and was awarded a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. She teaches at Southern Maine

Megan Grumbling
serves as Reviews Editor for The Café Review. Her work is included in the 2010 edition of Best New Poets, published by the University of

Megan Grumbling
has recent work published in, or forthcoming in, the Berlin journal Sand, Unsplendid, Angle, and the Hobble Creek Review. She teaches at Southern

Meghan Cadwallader
began writing as soon as she could read, but her formal education includes a BA in French/English from Hollins University, a Master’s in English

Melissa M. Crowe
earned a M.F.A. in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia. Her poems have appeared in Atlanta

Michael Christian
his work has appeared in journals such as PANK, Bull: Men’s Fiction, and The Medulla Review, among others. He currently lives in Austin, Texas.

Michael Macklin
is an associate editor with The Café Review. Lately, he has been working with local poets and police officers to produce The Portland Police

Michael Macklin
is a writer living in Portland, Maine. He is a poetry editor of The Café Review and earns his bread swinging a hammer.

Michael Macklin
is a carpenter and poet living and working in Portland, Maine. He owns a Stihl chainsaw and is owned by a yellow dog named Murphy.

Michael Macklin
1949 – 2012

Michael Macklin
Michael Macklin: is a maker of wooden things and word collections. He is also an associate editor for The Café Review. He aspires to be a

Michael Macklin
makes poems and cabinets in Portland, Maine. He serves as one of The Café Review’s poetry editors. He is out in the woods now turning over rocks

Michelle Demers
holds an M.F.A in poetry from Vermont College and has been published in Leaves by Night, Flowers by Day; Collecting Moon Coins II; Diner; The

Mike Bove

Nancy A. Henry
is the author of several poetry chapbooks and two collections from Sheltering Pines Press. Her poetry and reviews have been widely published.

Peter Manuel
has taught writing at Southern Maine Community College and Portland Adult Ed. He graduated from the Stonecoast MFA Program in January 2005, and

Peter Manuel
has been active in Portland, Maine’s poetry scene since the 80s. For five years, he hosted the now – defunct Geno’s Live Poets Society.

Peter Manuel
Peter Manuel: graduated from the Stonecoast M.F.A. program in January 2005; the following April his Sheltering Pines Press chapbook, (!!)

Richard Allen Taylor

Sara Lynn Eastler

Sharon Olinka
has completed a series of poems delving into San Antonio’s folkloric traditions and ghost stories. She received a Barbara Deming Memorial Award,

Sharon Olinka
won a Barbara Deming Memorial Award for poems from The Good City, (Marsh Hawk Press, 2006.) Her work appears on a Library of Congress website,

Sharon Olinka
her poetry is in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, and has appeared recently in The Texas Observer and The San Antonio Express News. She moved

Ted Bookey
originally hails from New York, where he taught English in public schools and at Long Island University. For the past nine years, he has

Thom Dawkins
is an M.F.A candidate at Chatham University, where he also serves as a poetry editor for The Fourth River literary journal. His poetry has been

Thom Dawkins
is an M.F.A. candidate at Chatham University, where he also serves as a poetry editor for The Fourth River literary journal. His poetry has been

Timothy Gillis
is a freelance writer and photographer whose work has appeared in The Portland Daily Sun, Dispatch Magazine, Magnitude, The Portland Forecaster,

Todd Perry
is excited. He recently received his B.A. in Media Writing from the University of Southern Maine, with a Creative Writing minor, and there’s no

Wayne Atherton

Artwork, Fall 2009 Artists, Fall 2009 Issue, Fall 2009 Reviewers, Fall 2016 Reviewers, Spring 2015 Artists, Spring 2015 Issue, Summer 2011 - American and Russian Issue, Summer 2011 Artists, Summer 2011 Poets, Summer 2013 Artists, Summer 2013 Issue - Michael Macklin Tribute, Summer 2013 Poets, Winter 2017, Winter 2017 Artists
Wayne Atherton

Zara Raab
her most recent book is The Book of Gretel. Swimming the Eel is due out later this year. Her work appears in West Branch, Arts & Letters,