Category: Winter 2014 Poetry

by Mimi White The eternal route past the lake where you learned to swim as a child where you fished with your brothers for hornpout whose whisker

Sitting on an Old Stone Fence, Looking into the Distance
by Dick Allen Far away, there’s what might be a windmill or a silo, or just a trick of the eye, and are those eye specks or crows floating out

Her Secret
by Wesley McNair Why Thurman must cover every counter top, table and chair with his things, Wilma no longer asks, knowing he will only answer as

by Sydney Lea There’s a man with two bearded collies: on his drive back home from an office, the widower passes the three at 5:30. When winter

Cartography in Retrospect
by Mike Bove Roads to nowhere, rivers flowing back into hills: I can think of several wrong ways to draw a map. All it takes is one slack stride

Side by Side
by Mark DeFoe In decency and calm our homes repose. Flowers bless our summer. Each fall we rake. When the snow comes we heave the snow aside So

Dumping the Old Windows
by Mark DeFoe I heaved them in the reeking pile, but they did not break. The vision of that old world was not so brittle, though warped to be

The Lost Cause
by Mark DeFoe In some jungle, waiting. What we feared may be amongst us. We sniff the wind. We hang on each change of intonation. We

by Karina Borowicz In a clearing at the edge of the forested hillside a boulder is crouched. A mother elephant and we her children. We find her

Punishing Snows
by Karina Borowicz When the punishing snows came, mother would stand with her hands outstretched and filled with crumbs for the sparrows. How