Category: Winter 2012 Poetry

Nothing Left for Ted Enslin
by Steve Luttrell Beginning with it all laid out against im – probable conclusions, one gets “caught up” in it moved along and suddenly

Ash Blonde Janet’s Planet
by Kenneth Rosen 1. A phantom of green – eyed, ash blonde, pre – Adolescent delight, with suggestively mousey,

Three Cigarettes for Bruce and Carola
by Kenneth Rosen 1. Somewhere there’s a little Italy, where sunrise precedes its ruby, Clouds pink as flamingos, soon white as paper, a fool’s

by Kenneth Rosen Two silver dandelions gone white, Late autumn, one swatted half – bald By a paw of the dog, the other A beautiful, silver

November 2011
by Barbara Moraff revol ving bird feeder’s Squirrel losing in – visibility chatters back at his reflection : Seedspray

from the Machig Labdrön
by Barbara Moraff Sitting in a chair writing on my knees broken ankle pinned w/steel sunrise in my skull from the Machig Labdrön

Veiled Absentee
by Nathaniel Tarn Is he from Babylon, or perhaps Sumer, or from far beyond that, the Paleolithic ? Who will ever guarantee provenance ? He walks

Tennyson Speaks and All
by Clark Coolidge Is that . . . ? yes it’s him now every bicycle is in danger but that metal chap he remains a waffle copy of Frank

Another ’Nother
by Clark Coolidge My name is Sydney Wallet what time are you dead ? were you taken from life ? I have to go my own way a waffle iron

Save the Barnes Collection
by Clark Coolidge Wow (wow) wait till those moon, bells run down this church is called EI Primo it even admits blackhats stirred up