Category: Winter 2011 Poets

Kevin Sweeney
is the author of two poetry books from Moon Pie Press, Rags of Prayer and Ordinary Time. His poems have appeared in a number of literary

G. H. Smith
has published in The Atlanta Review, Wild Goose Poetry Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Quarry West, Chicago Quarterly Review, StoryQuarterly, previously

David Sloan
a graduate of the University of Southern Maine Stonecoast MFA Creative Writing Program, he helped to found, and currently teaches English and

J. B. Sisson
has published poems, stories, plays, essays, and translations in magazines such as Poetry and The Paris Review and in anthologies such as The

Giovanni Raboni
(1932 – 2004) was the author of many volumes of poetry and criticism. He also translated widely from French literature, including an

Kevin Rabas
co – directs the Creative Writing Program at Emporia State University, is managing editor of Flint Hills Review, and writes regularly for

Paul Pines
grew up in Brooklyn around the corner from Ebbets Field and spent the early sixties on the Lower East Side of New York. In 1970, he opened The

Michael Palma
will publish a new book of poems, Begin in Gladness (Star Cloud Press), this spring. Along with his translations of Raboni and Cucchi, he will

cut his teeth wailing poesy in Greenwich Village, circa 1962 – 64, at the legendary Rafio Cafe. He has dwelled in 47, not so exotic, ports

Manoli Kouremetis
earned his MFA from Old Dominion University. His fiction and poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Southeast Review, Boxcar Poetry