Category: Winter 2010 Issue – Jack Myers Tribute

Betsy Sholl
is the current Poet Laureate of Maine. She has published seven books of poetry, most recently Rough Cradle (Alice James, 2009) and Late Psalm

Christopher Russell
was born in Concord, New Hampshire in 1974. He currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he helps support emotionally handicapped

Suzanne Rhodenbaugh
won the Marianne Moore Poetry Prize for Lick of Sense, published by Helicon Nine Editions in 2001. Her book, The Whole Shebang, will be published

Naomi Shihab Nye
her books of poetry include, 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East , A Maze Me: Poems for Girls , Red Suitcase, Words Under the

B.Z. Niditch
is a poet, playwright, fiction writer, and teacher, as well as founder and artistic director of The Original Theatre in Boston. His work is

Ariana Nash
teaches creative writing in Wilmington, North Carolina. She has published poetry in Xenith and 2River View. She owes a great debt of gratitude

Jack Myers
professor of English and creative writing atSouthern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas was the author of eighteen books of and about poetry.

Daryl Morazzini
has a BA from the University of Southern Maine in Philosophy and History, an MAR from Yale Divinity in Religion and Literature, and an MFA from

Jim McGarrah
poems, essays, and stories have appeared in many literary magazines over the past decade, most recently in After Shocks: Poems of Recovery, Bayou

Michael Macklin
is an associate editor with The Café Review. Lately, he has been working with local poets and police officers to produce The Portland Police