Category: Summer 2014 Issue

Dropout boogie
by H. D. Brown I saw the tattoo a snake curling around a dagger the type of cliché a good artist can slap on a jarhead between beers I saw it in

Sailor Girl
by H. D. Brown Sailor Girl for J. J. He could make them dance the shitty sailor girl tattoos pricked into his forearms over months of

Sailor Art
by H. D. Brown the scrimshaw scratchings covering grandpa Schmidt weren’t the patterned sailor tattoos that cover these college girls Captain

This is What the Wound Does
by Florence Weinberger You slow you live your life on a molecular level each joule of pain enhanced like nerve endings through the lens of a

Makes Sense
by Florence Weinberger The poet admits it herself, her poem makes no sense, she says it might have started with the death of my salamander, whose

Running Man
by Oz Hardwick Running Man Prague, Warsaw, Leipzig There he is, black–clad, blurred face contorted, chaos in his eyes before the

Learning to See
by Oz Hardwick It’s a map of the tracks where angels fell, linking Heaven and Hell; the constellations before they shrank to pinpricks; a

Mark Schorr
his most recent book is Aliens (POD, Denmark), a kitchen-table translation of Danish and English haiku and yotsomono with Niels Kjær. He teaches

Christopher Hornbacker
is a PhD student in The University of Southern Mississippi’s Center for Writers. His poems are forthcoming or have recently appeared in Crab

Michael Christian
his work has appeared in journals such as PANK, Bull: Men’s Fiction, and The Medulla Review, among others. He currently lives in Austin, Texas.