Category: Summer 2012 Poetry

Keep The Beat for MayDay Celebration, City Lights
by Diane di Prima keep it! was François Villon a Beat ? the Minnesingers ? what’s a troubadour ? what about them guys we call the “Wandering

The Elements
by Diane di Prima EARTH: The Snake Charmer Persimmons remain where the boughs are bare. And the ornamental plum blooms early before the rains.

Escapes for Julie Hay, circa April 26, 1986
by Diane di Prima I thought I was teaching Thought I knew some thing Till she came to my door, one baby in a stroller, one toddler held onto

A New Revolutionary Letter
by Diane di Prima they’re us & we’re starving for water for land for air a place to sleep or they’re our

The Lord’s Last Prayer
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti Our father whose art’s in heaven Hollow be thy name Unless things change Thy kingdom come and gone Thy will will be

A Big Bouquet of Haiku for Joko Dave Haselwood
by Michael McClure THE WING – FACE OF THE LITTLE BROWN MOTH looks up desperately MY MOSS HEAD (tiny red maple leaves, lichens) makes light

Infernal Muses
by Philip Lamantia GO! my calfheaded drone! O sheep faced Ana Stekel turning into dove’s dung, Ana Black Ana Noir over niagra of bureau lips,

by Philip Lamantia Last night Mike told me he believed the stars are alive Today we walk with the yellow haired child Eyes of the auctioneer’s

Interior Suck of the Night
by Philip Lamantia Narcotic air simple as a a cone spun interior suck of the night

Jet Powered Suicide
by Philip Lamantia Just before landing — eerie sound like metallic gut string of atonal eeeeeh! My first con on the system my