Category: Summer 2011 Poetry

Called Back
by Lidija Dimkovska You called me back and I had to return. On the Peter Pan bus from New York to Amherst with 50 cents change clutched in my

For Ehren Watada
by Jack Hirschman This warring government having lost its people and having exposed its lies and its twists and turns of the knife in the back of

Hrant Dink
by Jack Hirschman Here truths Hrant Dink, here braves. In our grave mouths the light of his courage pulsates like deathless hearts beating

Janine Pommy – Vega 1942 – 2010
by Jack Hirschman How many inmates are weeping in their cells tonight, having got the word: Janine Pommy Vega has died. They adore her and

Flood Stage
by Richard Jackson Sometimes we are amazed to find that we are still alive. Sometimes we reduce the world to a single street and the street to

Sitting in Peaceful Lamplight
by Anselm Hollo reading a book on how to become a better person Zophiel the cat touches my leg and asks me “Why don’t you write a book about

African Gray Parrot With Brain The Size of A Walnut Understands A Numerical Concept Akin to Zero
by Anselm Hollo Yes my dear that may well be true but I do wish this pleasant early June evening breeze would evaporate all the terrible servants

The Pika
by Anselm Hollo So aren’t we all the trembling fawn or baby rat entering re – entering this terrifying place so place is it but time

To goad my friggin peers
by Tom Pickard Fuck the sonnet, I piss upon it And those who seek to launch A sinking reputation on it As though it were some talismanic

by Tom Pickard the house empty a gust of sun and some bird thinks it spring I’ve just seen her on a vid the river in flood in a mis –