Category: Summer 2010 Issue

by Russ Sargent Calle Lorca will always be the scent of fresh bread clinging to me all the way to the tenth century ruin where al – Mutasim

Light and Sweet
by Michael Palma How Whitman would have loved it here, This diner on this Sunday morning. Bright with the chrism of the rain, He’d track pure mud

Like Any Clown
by Michael Palma The one who thinks he’s in despair Or nearly there Crawlstrokes down the morning Flapping translucent wings. Beauty’s withdrawn,

by Michael Palma Sometimes, like an old clipping I carry around with me, I unfold the time we went, For no particular reason, For a weekend on

Two Warblers
by Jonathan Skinner Cape May Dendroica tigrina your sharp, slightly decurved chestnut and gold horns striped at the throat black streaks speak

For The Gulf
by Jonathan Skinner Some wings lift skyward testing the airs, circle round and wait — feeling for pressure shifts, advancing fronts spiraling in

by Elizabeth Hoover Photography is an oath to silence, so I gave up on faces one summer in Lanesville. The light wrapping her body like a sweet

The Window
by Matthew M. Cariello Then I knew one word, birthright’s rudiment uttered in hunger’s warm room. The sense of me without sense. I would have

by Matthew M. Cariello Clutter in the vestibule where steps buckled and mortar cracked, I watched my father crawl into the dark beneath the stoop

by Victoria Livingstone The first time I didn’t know you. The second time, I did — Federico Garcia Lorca I fell for you,