Category: Summer 2009 – Juan Gelman Tribute Issue

Open Letter — (Paris, Rome, January, 1980)
to my son Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin IV: Crestfallen my burning soul crestfallen my burning soul dips a

Note V
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Note V don’t keep sadness away from the fireside / sit here beside me / old gal /

Note III
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Note III walking on my bare knees through a field of broken glass / walking on my

Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Deaths one day i watched death going by / she wasn’t on horseback / she was

Facts — (Buenós Aires, Rome, 1974-1978)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Things They Don’t Know dark times / filled with light / the sun spreads sunlight

Relationships — (Buenós Aires, 1971-1973)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Reds rain beats down on Río de la Plata and it’s going on 36 years since they

XX: Those who created God
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin XX: Those who created God those who created god with one or two men or converted

Yamanocuchi’s Poems — (1968)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin IV: The sun on the day’s crest the sun on the day’s crest gilds points of land

CIII: I saw my country’s map in yellow one day
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin CIII: I saw my country’s map in yellow one day i saw my country’s map in yellow

John Wendell’s Poems
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin CCLXI: These poems these poems this batch of papers this handful of fragments