Category: Spring 2013 Poetry

by Suzannah Gilman I am willing to let you be my undoing, to undo all I learned before you came to me. I will forget just as each labor’s pains

by Elton Glaser 1 Tendrils of rain Catch on the dry leaves and drag them Down to green again. I don’t need sharp light in the grass, Quills and

Devotional Smoke
by Elton Glaser I’m praying again To a God I don’t believe in. I’m lighting candles like little spaceships That will carry my pleas and

Cafe Talk with the Late Robert Desnos
by Elton Glaser Nobody tells you how boring the dead are. They never buy me booze or listen to my talk. Ah, how I loved talking from the black

Dirty Face, Cripple & Wild for Bob Creeley *
by Peter F. Murphy The first used to chew & never wipe his chin. The second shot his leg about off going over a fence. The third drank a lot

The Levee
by Peter F. Murphy At eleven meters, the river lingers. Waves laugh to Liszt. On the pavement, children play tag. Lovers long for sofas hugged in

Voyage VII
by Peter F. Murphy Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current, I stood yet was hurried . . .

Plum Island Suite
by David Stankiewicz I At twenty–two all you need’s an old car music and books enough job to pay the rent a broken heart (optional)

North of Us
by Nicholas Spengler When everything has left us but the long bone of birch against the blackest sky When all has gone but the blood heat of you

Other People’s Dreams
by Nicholas Spengler In a town named for sleep, cradled in high rock, there’s an ancient church whose bells toss and turn at hazy intervals; a