Category: Spring 2011 Issue – Shahid

Mark Rice
studied poetry and received his MFA from New York University. He was runner – up in the 2010 Sow’s Ear Poetry Review Poetry Contest

Michael Macklin
makes poems and cabinets in Portland, Maine. He serves as one of The Café Review’s poetry editors. He is out in the woods now turning over rocks

Izhar Patkin

Stacey Chase

Victoria Zak
is a writer, painter, and sculptor living in Holliston, Massachusetts. She met Shahid on a path at night at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference,

Douglas “Woody” Woodsum
met Shahid when they were both on staff at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference in the 1980s. The first line of Woody’s poem alludes to “Mending

Jon Wilkins
is a professor at the Santa Fe Institute, where he studies theoretical evolutionary biology. His poems have appeared in the Colorado Review,

Andrea L. Watson
has published poetry in Runes, Cream City Review, The Dublin Quarterly, International Poetry Review, Nimrod, and other journals. Her show,

Eric Torgersen
has completed a book – length collection of ghazals to be called In Which We See Our Selves: American Ghazals. His two poems entitled “Of

Peggy O’Brien
is a member of the English Department at the University of Massachusetts — Amherst. She formerly taught at Trinity College, Dublin. She has