Category: Published Issues

Happy Life
by David Budbill, Copper Canyon Press, 2011, 119 pages, $16.00, ISBN: 978-1-55659-374-1 Buy the Book It seems that the title of David Budbill’s

One With Others
by C.D. Wright, Copper Canyon, 2010, 168 pages, paper, $18.00, ISBN: 978–1–55659–388–8 Buy the Book C.D. Wright’s One

A City of Angels and How to Carve an Angel
A City of Angels, by Ben Mazer, Cy Gist Press, 2011, 36 pages, chapbook, $9 How to Carve an Angel, by Peter Fulton, The Seventh Quarry Poetry

Impenitent Notes
by Baron Wormser, CavanKerry Press, 2010, 87 pages, $16.00, ISBN: 978–933880–23–5 Buy the Book I first encountered Baron

Bathsheba Transatlantic
by Sarah Wetzel, Anhinga Press, 2010, 98 pages, paper, $17.00, ISBN: 978–1–934695–21–0 Buy the Book Reading the cover of

Almost A Remembrance: The Selected Shorter Poems of Jack McCarthy
Moon Pie Press, 2011, 75 pages, $10.00, ISBN: 978–1–4507–0741–1 Buy the Book If you’ve ever heard one of Jack McCarthy’s

by Peter Blair, Autumn House Press, 2009, 64 pages, paper, $14.95, ISBN: 978–1–932870–34–3 Buy the Book “Farang,” we

Juan Gelman Interview
Dialogues with Gelman That Matter of Not Knowing While Knowing The following dialogue with Jorge Boccanera begins in the poet’s house at the end

Shahid Reads His Own Palm
by Reginald Dwayne Betts, 2009 Beatrice Hawley Award, 2010, Alice James Books, 80 pages, paper, $15.95, ISBN: 978-1-882295-81-4 Buy the Book In

Transistor Rodeo
by Jon Wilkins, University of Utah Press, 2010, 69 pages, paper, $12.95, ISBN: 978-1-60781-002-5 Buy the Book note regarding the following