Category: Published Issues

Gerald Locklin Interview
conducted by Kevin Sweeney via e-mail, March 2015 Gerald Locklin is a small press legend whom Charles Bukowski once called “one of the great

Wang Ping Interview
Wang Ping
A Chinese Immigrant in America Seeks to ‘Create a Wave’ and, Ultimately, a Tsunami Wang Ping, 47, is the author of several books of

Wesley McNair Interview
Interview with Wesley McNair On Personal Poems, Teaching Poetry, and Life as Maine Poet Laureate The following interview with Wesley McNair was

David Meltzer Interview
by Steve Luttrell & Timothy Gillis May 14, 2014 via telephone David Meltzer was born in Rochester, New York, & raised in Brooklyn. He

Xue Di Interview
Interview with Xue Di on the poetry of revolution, life in the United States, and the precise word The following phone and email interview with

Charles Simic Interview
Interview with Charles Simic on Teaching, Translating, and the Mystery of Writing Poetry This telephone interview with Charles Simic was

Ron Winkler Interview
German Poet Ron Winkler Magnifies the ‘Minute, Exquisite, Everyday Things’ Interview and Translation by Nancy Allison Ron Winkler is a German

Dave Haselwood Interview
conducted by: Steve Luttrell on May 15, 2012 Steve: Let’s begin with a few recollections and go from there. In an interview with someone as

Agha Shahid Ali Interview
Agha Shahid Ali: The Lost Interview Conducted by Stacey Chase This interview with the late Kashmiri – American poet Agha Shahid Ali,