Category: Published Issues

On the Soul Begins to Hurt
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin On the Soul Begins to Hurt Early on the soul begins to hurt / pale / in the

XVI: Punishing loves
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin XVI: Punishing loves punishing loves / keeping sorrows down / from sun to

Open Letter — (Paris, Rome, January, 1980)
to my son Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin IV: Crestfallen my burning soul crestfallen my burning soul dips a

Note V
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Note V don’t keep sadness away from the fireside / sit here beside me / old gal /

Note III
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Note III walking on my bare knees through a field of broken glass / walking on my

Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Deaths one day i watched death going by / she wasn’t on horseback / she was

Facts — (Buenós Aires, Rome, 1974-1978)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Things They Don’t Know dark times / filled with light / the sun spreads sunlight

Relationships — (Buenós Aires, 1971-1973)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Reds rain beats down on Río de la Plata and it’s going on 36 years since they

XX: Those who created God
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin XX: Those who created God those who created god with one or two men or converted

Yamanocuchi’s Poems — (1968)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin IV: The sun on the day’s crest the sun on the day’s crest gilds points of land