Category: Published Issues

24th March 2006
Juan Daniel Perotta 24th March 2006 All the horror today all the pain suffered Makes me become a child again brings back the sun A flag is being

Life and Death
Juan Daniel Perotta Life and Death I write and take communion — I break the bread and drink wine — I promise myself to forget and not to plan To

Claribel Alegría I’ve been a very close friend of Gelman for many years and I admire him greatly. I am sending you a very short poem that I

At the Hall of the Red Tlalocs
Efraín Bartolomé At the Hall of the Red Tlalocs 1 for Guadalupe Belmontes Stringel 2 1. I stroll the courtyards of Tepantitla like the

Elegy for Old Masters
Sam Hamill Elegy for Old Masters Suddenly old and once again sleepless, I rise in the night and slip outside and climb the steep narrow steps to

Southern Stars
Sam Hamill Southern Stars It is solstice, the beginning of summer, and almost New Year. I’m watching Esteban measure out each small shovelful of

Ernesto Cardinal Calls You can take the call you’ve been waiting for. The call that might tell you your number was the prize winner. You answered
Drawings of Sightlessness
Luis Cardoza y Aragon Drawings of Sightlessness Between pen and paper there is a celestial space where angels, stars, and clouds go by, in which

Juan Gelman: The Music of Questions
Jorge Boccanera Juan Gelman: The Music of Questions Gelman’s poetic breathing has the music of questions. The clincher “Qué cuestión!” (“What a

The Wages of the Profane — (Paris, Geneva, Mexico, New York, 1984-1992)
Selected Poems of Juan Gelman translated by Hardie St. Martin Courage to José Angel Valente Word that is extinguished when we breathe