Category: Published Issues

J.B. Sisson
has published poems, short stories, plays, essays, and translations from French, German, and Russian in magazines such as Poetry, The Paris

Russ Sargent
is the proprietor of Yes Books in Portland, Maine. His translations of Venezuelan poet Manuel Ruano have previously appeared in The Café Review.

David J. Rothman
is co–founder of the Crested Butte Music Festival (,) Founding Editor and Publisher of Conundrum Press,

Oliver Rice
has received the Theodore Roethke Prize and twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His poems have appeared widely in journals and

Janice Miller Potter
is the author of Psalms in Time, Finishing Line Press, 2008. She was the 2005 recipient of The Sara Henderson Hay Poetry Prize, given by The

Simon Pettet
is an English–born poet, long–time resident of New York’s Lower East Side. His newest title, Hearth, is available from Talisman

Mihaela Niţă
a friend of Dan Sociu who is a student in Bucharest.

Dan Murphy
received the Academy of American Poets Prize in 2006 for the poem, “Faithless 11,” and recently graduated with a Master’s degree in English from

Paul Muldoon
was born in 1951 in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, and educated at the Queen’s University of Belfast. Since 1987 he has lived in the United

Thomas R. Moore
lives in Brooksville, Maine. He taught English for forty years, most recently at Maine Maritime Academy. His poems have appeared in Worcester