Category: Published Issues

B.Z. Niditch
is a poet, playwright, fiction writer, and teacher, as well as founder and artistic director of The Original Theatre in Boston. His work is

Ariana Nash
teaches creative writing in Wilmington, North Carolina. She has published poetry in Xenith and 2River View. She owes a great debt of gratitude

Jack Myers
professor of English and creative writing atSouthern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas was the author of eighteen books of and about poetry.

Daryl Morazzini
has a BA from the University of Southern Maine in Philosophy and History, an MAR from Yale Divinity in Religion and Literature, and an MFA from

Jim McGarrah
poems, essays, and stories have appeared in many literary magazines over the past decade, most recently in After Shocks: Poems of Recovery, Bayou

Michael Macklin
is an associate editor with The Café Review. Lately, he has been working with local poets and police officers to produce The Portland Police

Sandee Lyles
is a Registered Nurse, poet, freelance writer, and Publishing Editor of Oak Bend Review. She lives with a houseful of teens, animals, and Jack

Joanne Lowery
her poems have appeared in many literary magazines, including Birmingham Poetry Review, Eclipse, Smartish Pace, Cimarron Review, roger, Atlanta

Sydney Lea
has published eight collections of poetry, most recently Ghost Pain (Sarabande, 2005); two collections of nonfiction, the latest A Little

Richard Jackson
is the author of nine books of poems, most recently, Half Lives: Petrarchan Poems (Autumn House, 2004), Unauthorized Autobiography: New and