Category: Published Issues

David Moreau
is the author of a chapbook, Sex, Death, and Baseball (Moon Pie Press, 2004), subjects he considers “the three greatest subjects of poetry.”

Lynn Levin
is the author of three collections of poems, Fair Creatures of an Hour (2009), Imaginarium (2005), and A Few Questions about Paradise (2000).

Susanna Lang
a collection of her poems was published in 2008 by The Backwaters Press. More recently, her poem “Condemned” won the Inkwell competition. Her

Preston Hood
has published in Michigan Quarterly Review, Rattle, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and other literary journals. His book, A Chill I Understand (2006),
Leonore Hildebrandt
grew up in Germany and lives “off the grid” in Harrington, Maine. At home in two languages, she teaches writing at the University of Maine.

Jeff Hardin
teaches at Columbia State Community College in Columbia, Tennessee. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Gettysburg Review, The

Jeff Hardin
is a data analyst for a health management company in Phoenix, Arizona. He graduated from San Jose State University (B.A. 1994, M.A. 1996) with

Megan Grumbling
has had poems published in many journals and was awarded a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. She teaches at Southern Maine

Erica Goss
is a writer from Los Gatos, California. Her poems, reviews, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Caveat Lector, Zoland Poetry, Main

David Filer
lives and works in the other Portland, in Oregon. Other poems have been published recently in Free Lunch, The Tule Review, Off the Coast, Third