Category: Published Issues

Megan Grumbling
has had poems published in many journals and was awarded a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. She teaches at Southern Maine

Ted Bookey
originally hails from New York, where he taught English in public schools and at Long Island University. For the past nine years, he has

Huck Notari

Fred Field

James K. Zimmerman
is a clinical psychologist, and was a songwriter and performer in a previous life. He is the winner of both the 2009 and 2010 Hart Crane

J. B. Sisson
has published poems, stories, plays, essays, and translations in magazines such as Poetry and The Paris Review and in anthologies such as The

Christopher Seid
lives with his family in Yarmouth, Maine. He is poetry editor for Maine: The Magazine.

Marija Sanderling
is a professional librarian and genealogist who has practiced creative writing since making her home in Maine 15 years ago. She devotes a great

Henry Rappaport
received his bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University and his master’s degree from the University of Washington. He co – founded

Renée Olander
has published poems in Artword Quarterly, Verse and Universe — Poems About Science & Mathematics, Margie, 5am, Hawai‘i Pacific Review,