Category: Published Issues

Spencer Selby

Douglas Leichter

Franz Wright
the son of poet James Wright, was born in Vienna, Austria in 1953. During his youth, his family moved to the Northwest United States, the

Douglas Woody Woodsum
is a high school teacher in rural Maine. His poetry, prose, and cartoons have appeared in many publications, including the New England Review,

Andrea L. Watson
her poetry has appeared in Runes, The Comstock Review, Room of One’s Own, Earth’s Daughters, and Georgetown Review, among others. Her show,

Jonathan Skinner
his poetry collections include With Naked Foot (Little Scratch Pad, 2008) and Political Cactus Poems (Palm Press, 2005). He founded and edits

Russ Sargent
is the owner of Yes Books in Portland, Maine. These poems were written while traveling Europe in 1991 –1992. Other poems, including

Michael Palma
was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1945. He has published one full–length collection of poems, A Fortune in Gold (Gradiva, 2000), and two

Michael David Madonick
is an associate professor at the University of Illinois. His poems have most recently appeared in Iron Horse, Redivider, New Ohio Review /

Steve Luttrell
was born and continues to live in Portland, Maine. He is a graduate of Franklin Pierce College and is the author of ten books of poetry. His