Category: Published Issues

Agha Shahid Ali
was born on February 4, 1949 in New Delhi and grew up Muslim in Kashmir. He earned a Ph.D. in English from Pennsylvania State University and an

Hena Ahmad
is a professor of English in the Department of English and Linguistics at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri, where she teaches post

Caroline Adams
attends Kent Denver School in Colorado (Class of 2012). The 16 – year – old has been writing poetry since the age of 7. She enjoys

Ghazal for Open Hands
by Martín Espada in memory of Agha Shahid Ali December 10, 2001 Northampton, Massachusetts The imam stands above your

The Wavering ghazal for great – grandmother Ruth
by Caroline Adams A pair so slender conjoins; twin hands, at ends reach the fragile skin of hands. Innocence not nearly as pure as the calm,

All the Ways You Know to Love Us ghazal for asa
by Andrea L. Watson We are blaze you find such dangerous beauty — One thousand jewels confined as dangerous beauty. Veil us in

by Yehudit Ben-Zvi Heller translated by Agha Shahid Ali with the poet My grandmother always served tea hot in cups of thin glass, thin with

Listen to the Falling of the Snow
by Yehudit Ben-Zvi Heller translated by Agha Shahid Ali with the poet Listen The fall of the snow like sand rustled to a hiss in the wind it

A Raindrop Observed
by Yehudit Ben-Zvi Heller translated by Agha Shahid Ali with the poet How a raindrop fallen from the roof becomes light all by itself though

In a Foreign Country for Maayan and Adi
by Yehudit Ben-Zvi Heller translated by Agha Shahid Ali with the poet Dawn after dawn my mother — a fanatic to Let the air in Let the air in