Category: Published Issues

Downwind from Pecos
by Margaret Randall Downwind from Pecos, cedar scent invades our nostrils, transparent as sky’s unreachable blue until this cloud that is not

Zara Raab
her most recent book is The Book of Gretel. Swimming the Eel is due out later this year. Her work appears in West Branch, Arts & Letters,

Peter Manuel
has been active in Portland, Maine’s poetry scene since the 80s. For five years, he hosted the now – defunct Geno’s Live Poets Society.

Michael Macklin
is a writer living in Portland, Maine. He is a poetry editor of The Café Review and earns his bread swinging a hammer.

Michael Johnston

Matt Grubb

Kyle Bryant

Leo Yankevich
is an American poet and Translator and is the editor of New Formalist. He is a prolific translator, having rendered into English poems by

Andrew Wachtel
is Bertha and Max Dressler Professor in the Humanities at Northwestern University, where he serves as dean of the Graduate School and director of

Tony Brinkley
has taught at the University of Maine since 1983. He is a graduate of Yale University (BA) and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Ph.D.).