Category: Published Issues

Saying Goodbye
by Edward Sanders Bus to NYC to see Tuli in ICU at Downtown Beekman Hospital He’s peaceful with now – & – then irregular heart

by Robert Kelly [Eurydice, naked, in leaf shadow, half – hidden in bushes, lilac, springtime, sunset, warm. She speaks.] 1. I have been

by Jonathan Greene In an avenue of trees dead ones hugging live ones, holding on, their tops crying together in high wind. Old loves or old

Lost in the Air
by Jonathan Greene After the stroke the words break up like wind spreading out sky – writing cloud snippets floating away never again

Lunar Moth
by Jonathan Greene Washing the dishes, looking up — a lunar moth against the window. Often I forget how close — this other world.

Fish Hawk at Work
by Jonathan Greene Stayed busy trying to track the osprey’s footprints on the fast – moving river.

Message Received
by Jonathan Greene The full moon swimming the whole ocean to tickle my toes.

Jen Hofer
by Jen Hofer If you want Jen Hofer’s graphics I will send them to you separately as they did not “cut and paste” into word pad file.

Already Ghosts
by Margaret Randall Because I want to help my momma, because my step dad hates me, because there’s nothing for me at home, because I want a new

At the Edges of the Pueblo
by Margaret Randall A great tree falls on a downed power line and this time the fire is dubbed accidental: Cerro Grande, Las Conchas, no