Category: Published Issues

Diana gone for Diana Kemble
by Daphne Marlatt moon on wave on moons wavering water moan a move on mooning the singular

catch as catch for bp Nichol
by Daphne Marlatt can you ham it, a serve a slice of, wry it gives your ears a breath, er worrier space it oh hear it however it beep’s mind’s

A Moment Writhing with Revelations
by Clayton Eshleman Being here as an enraptured trap, an entrapture. Nothingness pregnant with the isolational reality of one’s being. In Francis

The rite at the hunting site
by Clayton Eshleman “The rite at the hunting site, given to the souls of the animal killed, was thus basic, in the sense that it

Under the Music
by Maxine Chernoff Under the music, a baby cries in the audience. A police siren meets a thunderclap meets quantum theory. Under the music you

by Maxine Chernoff “To philosophize is to learn how to die.” Montaigne Of houses, empty or noticed, to rooms whose lamps have left their light

by Maxine Chernoff “Operators fly the planes from air – conditioned trailers thousands of miles from the war zone.” Porch lights appear —

Mark Schorr
currently serves as Executive Director of the Robert Frost Foundation in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His new manuscript is Sonnets and Songs of (I)

Megan Grumbling
is collaborating this fall with sound artist Dan Beckman on a reenactment – in – verse of the first live transatlantic radio

Leigh Donaldson
lives in Portland, Maine. His writing has appeared in publications such as the This I Believe website, International Poetry Review, Art Times,