Category: Published Issues

by Andrew Hoyem The super stadium sustains all games. Planted, planked, padded, paved, painted, Territories to be won and winnings counted. The

Orders 1
by Andrew Hoyem Start your engine. Get set, go. Push on the accelerator. Step on the brakes. Slow to a stop. Get out of the contraption. Crawl to

As Seen from Provincial Perspectives
by Andrew Hoyem On a summer morn in southern France, Toward the end of June when flowers fade From two months’ brilliance in rising heat, A guest

A Blue Sunset Sits on an Orange Horizon
by Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore They trail their hands in the water Their feet hit the cold hard ground Their faces light up dark corners Their eyes

An Orange Sunset Sits on a Blue Horizon
by Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore Laughing Buddha sits down with Weeping Sufi and they sing a song together that sets fire to the furniture and makes

Remembrance and Ongoing Love for Auerhahn Press
by Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore Back in the 60s we were all Buddhists. Well, so it seems. Due to Ginsberg and Kerouac’s pervasive influence, Buddhist

Bruce Spang
a teacher and writer, he works at Scarborough High School. He has published several books of poems, including To the Promised Land Grocery, by

M. A. Schorr
the new edition of his Heart’s Ladder ( includes 22 dream songs, entitled Recovery, that were begun at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Orson Horchler