Category: Published Issues

Write Something About Poetics Says Cedar
by Joanne Kyger I dream about a totem pole of poets. Actually it was a poster Andrew Hoyem did for a reading of Bolinas writers in

Sounds Abroad at Lassen
by Dave Haselwood, Joanne Kyger, Donald Guravich The scene: The twilight becoming darkest night, the mysterious spring gushing out of a lava

How the Hotel Wentley Poems Undermined My Self-Confidence
by Irving Rosenthal I was visiting Allen Ginsberg one day, and in the midst of our usual light gossip about friends, artists, poets and

by David Meltzer
by David Meltzer Ah, ego wants everything all the time & spaces silence or blank page lays splayed apart for whatever words pass as art’s

Charley circa 1961
by Roxie Powell Crystalline child Trying to hot wire Your dreams, Electric throbs Pulse your brain. With surprising grace You fold off a window

by Roxie Powell One must put things in perspective One must understand that the gaping Hole in one’s middle Will go away Soon be history. First,

Who’s Who
by Roxie Powell Sure, I remember you Like an eclipse or aurora borealis You come when you exist — Yeah, you did a number on me. Sure, I remember

Your Nearness to Me
by Roxie Powell Your nearness to me is no longer Dependent upon distance I sense you being here Open to my questions Ready to guide me toward My

After Age Seventy – Five
by Roxie Powell Like all the rest of life Seventy five came and went And I went to bed Curiously free of cares and Complexity Next morning, lying

by Andrew Hoyem Looking down over, it must be, Kansas, I see snow, patterns of agriculture, showing through, rectangles with diagonals and