Category: Published Issues

Glenn Todd
by Charles Plymell We’ve seen the trace of tears on dusty Texas cheeks and cliffs of far away Pacific spray eat away timeless

Collateral Damage for Joanna McClure
by Charles Plymell The moon is sometimes bathed in night’s full light and the earth is aroused as when a woman bathes turns in her phases

red Fred’s piano
by John Wieners low down and dirty I sit having found the connection Eddy and Taylor to day they reprint Cocteau’s Diary of a cure I am hooked

by John Wieners down at the corner I worked in the variety & Drug store having nothing to do I hung out with kids at the wall in a small

Bag Dad by the Bay for Harry the H
by John Wieners There’s a little cabin in the sky mister on Fillmore

For What Time Stays
by John Wieners All the best poems since The Hotel Wentley Poems. Scheduled for publication Summer 1962. A sample: The fog flung over the fields.

The Kyoto Journals and Floating California
by Philip Whalen Three haiku and journal entries excerpted from the Philip Whalen Papers, circa 1940–2001, were transcribed and edited by Brian

Keep The Beat for MayDay Celebration, City Lights
by Diane di Prima keep it! was François Villon a Beat ? the Minnesingers ? what’s a troubadour ? what about them guys we call the “Wandering

The Elements
by Diane di Prima EARTH: The Snake Charmer Persimmons remain where the boughs are bare. And the ornamental plum blooms early before the rains.

Escapes for Julie Hay, circa April 26, 1986
by Diane di Prima I thought I was teaching Thought I knew some thing Till she came to my door, one baby in a stroller, one toddler held onto