Category: Published Issues

Felez Año Nuevo
by Duncan McNaughton Were you there the night the dogs barked in Banja Luka? I was, with a one–armed Irish nurse and her spinster sister

Taiwan High Mountain to Doktor Hyner
by Duncan McNaughton The doctor in spite of something or other, himself I suppose, or the ghosts, we mustn’t forget them we grew up with, not now

News, To Me
by Duncan McNaughton Bunch of riders got together, formed a club, The Bychos, though not as simple as that. At the county jail there were two

Hand In Hand
by Duncan McNaughton Carlisle, the tailor, though otherwise a clumsy man, sat taking his ale and a helping of rhubarb–serviceberry pie. The

Beside Myself
by Ava Darling She lies on her back, beside him in the wide bed, one of her hands touching one of his. It is her hand that touches his hand. The

The Bath
by Ava Darling One must wait for the bath water to warm and then to cool, first a finger, finally a toe. Now I stand, my feet quite wet, lower

A Novel
by James Koller Suddenly, up from her bed, she crossed the moonlit room, her white skin silver, he thought, in that light. What is it? he asked,

Leaving Town
by James Koller We did all this before. “Every time we saw him,” she recalled, “he was with a

Five Homes in Six Months
by Franco Beltrametti translated by Stefan Hyner I Five homes in six months When I was living at the Bellevue In Fall Streetcars and hurried

Second Dream
by Franco Beltrametti translated by Stefan Hyner Dear Raffaello, the war had started the Roman legions sowed the counter revolution in