Category: Published Issues

The Friends I Loved and Left Behind after Elizabeth Bishop
by Mariela Griffor A farewell to a dear friend is never enough. We must bring him flowers, songs with spinning words and good wishes. We must

Explaining Efflorescence
by Nina Bennett The chemist: Water seeps through the brick, dissolves salts, evaporates, leaves a white crystalline deposit on the surface. The

Glimpse to Marlene, September 2011
by David Filer The slough is finally calm, and in the last light, the palisades are doubled, white mist dissipating twice. I was afraid for us

There Used To Be Gentlemen
by Maria DiLorenzo who handled their women like art in a museum, forbidden to touch, yet sometimes slyly touched, my grandfather in 1945 kissing

The Secret, Painting by William Bouguereau
by Polly Giantonio Her shoulder, soft and full as a swan’s breast, illumines homely features in graceful symmetry — ivory beauty with reticent

Imminent Tribulations
by Kevin Sweeney My pal David had the shits last night and doesn’t drive so I took him to the dentist, past the Congregational church on Woodford

My Fiancé
by Kevin Sweeney She sat on the right, was willing to answer questions which, nights in July, met silence from others, gave me an enthusiastic Hi

by Kevin Sweeney I felt she was cheating on me that afternoon in front of Melman’s Market. I was a limp 14. The boy holding her hand looked 17.

naked apes
by Judith Zander translated from German by Bradley Schmidt at least the animals loved our hedging talk grated geckoes good for coughs

whatever happens
by Judith Zander translated from German by Bradley Schmidt february at the latest daily leafing through the orchid calender in the