Category: Published Issues
Andre Demers
is a banker by day, but a writer, actor, graduate student, and managing editor of The Café Review by night. He gives the muse her dues whenever he can.
Susan Drucker
Roger Camp
Sara Toruño – Conley
lives in San Francisco. She is the Poetry Review Editor for Boxcar Poetry Review, and her poetry has appeared in Ginosko, Temenos, Monday Night,
Jeffrey Thomson
is the author of four books of poems, including Birdwatching in Wartime, winner of the 2010 Maine Book Award and the 2011 ASLE Award in
Mark Terrill
shipped out of San Francisco as a merchant seaman to the Far East and beyond, studied and spent time with Paul Bowles in Tangier, Morocco, and
Victoria Surliuga
is an Associate Professor of Italian at Texas Tech University. She is a scholar of modern and contemporary Italian poetry and Italian cinema, a
J. B. Sisson
has published poems, stories, plays, essays, and translations from French, German, and Russian in Poetry, The Paris Review, and Agni as well as
Ron Salutsky
is a native Kentuckian who lives in Tallahasse, Florida. A Ph.D. candidate in English at Florida State, he works with the UFF–FSU
John J. Ronan
is a National Endowment for the Arts Fellow in Poetry, 1999–2000. His book Marrowbone Lane appeared in 2009 (Backwaters Press). He has published