Category: Published Issues
Small Green Grass Snake
by Carl Little Small Green Grass Snake Great Spruce Head Island, Maine Slithers through the grass, although slithers doesn’t do its
Bight Marks
by Hamish Danks Brown Ocean asserted itself all night wiping away sea–grassed sleep then drain–dreamed until light and dumped my
Fly Fishing With Sun Ra
by Justin Patrick Moore I went fly fishing with Sun Ra last night. We waded into particle fields of ice to sit on the edge of Saturn’s glistening
Poem Without a Title
by Klaus Gerken Canto II Riverrun Locksmith Flow of lava that destroys but replenishes the earth Life was not possible without the lava Building
Overnight Bombing
by Justen Ahren “what times are these / when to write a poem about love / is almost a crime because it contains / so many
by Justen Ahren i. When I need to see god, I watch my children sleep. The trees in the distance sway in the wind and snow. When I am in need, I
by William Carpenter It’s one of those nights after the surrender of Iraq, not much on TV any more, your family’s in another state for Easter,
Three Winds
by Jayne Benjulian Would Mother be young, standing in the middle of Knight Street talking to Frances Druck? The hem of her yellow apron ripples.
by Jayne Benjulian 1 I left him once when he disappeared for a day I left him once no one heard a word — he surfaced later — what did
April Fool’s Song
by David Filer Stayed up late last night, Thoughts in disarray. Woke early this morning, thought of you all day. I think something’s coming