Category: Fall 2014 Poets

Charter Weeks
is a documentary photographer whose various projects can be seen at,

Steven J. Priestley
practices art in Portland, Maine.

Dana Wilde
of Troy, Maine, is an editor and columnist for the local daily newspaper. He has been a Fulbright lecturer of American Literature in China and

Russ Sargent
is the proprietor of Yes Books in Portland, Maine.

Joe Richey
is a poet, translator, and musician living in Boulder, Colorado. He is the publisher of the Boulder micropress Selva Editions, and the bilingual

Jessica Purdy
holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College. She teaches Creative Writing online at Southern New Hampshire University. Her poetry has

Justin Patrick Moore
his poetry has appeared in Silk Milk and Milk Money magazines and the essay “The Library Angel and Her Oracle” was published in issue 4 of

Wesley McNair
is the author of 20 books, including, My Brother Running, which connects his brother’s fatal heart attack with the explosion of the Challenger

Kendall Merriam
was born and raised in Rockland, Maine. He has a history degree from Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts and graduate studies in military and

Mark Melnicove
teaches English and creative writing at Falmouth High School in Falmouth, Maine. His poems have appeared recently in Gargoyle, VLAK, and Agni