Category: Fall 2012 Poetry

I woke in the night, heard
by Betta Rouse your pleasure, wanted you for myself, wanted your breasts, in my hands, in my face. wanted to mouth your nipples, wanted to hold

Easy Street
by Carl Clay Caulkins On a Sunday I came back to my one room country shack It was late afternoon in early Spring You sat there on the

Almost All She Wrote
by Carl Clay Caulkins Fare thee well, Oklahoma Buick, take me west I’m blinded by the sun And just like Jesse when he was on the

Ain’t Life Grand?
by Carl Clay Caulkins Papa lies under the willow and Mama lies over the sea My jack knife lies under my pillow keeping me company Easy

Wishes for Butch
by Alessandro Spinazzi You have to give up drinking (for a while nothing is forever) not to be sober but to get drunk on morning breeze and have

Step by Step for Carlo
by Alessandro Spinazzi In the rainy dark of the evening a film in black and white except for a spectral yellow from the factories walking with

Right & Wrong for Paul and me, a guilty pair
by Alessandro Spinazzi Don’t worry if your wife doesn’t speak to you anymore and writes down everyday your sins like a shopping list or your kids

Open Arms for Katy, the traveller
by Alessandro Spinazzi Welcoming you back to the emptiness left by your leaving the only place you can still call home i’m afraid.

by Alessandro Spinazzi Every day i wait for mail from far away messages without words sometimes come to me brought by the wind by a bird by an

by Alessandro Spinazzi Early morning walking the dog rain it’s giving us a break for once a car stops “where’s the medical center?” an old woman