Category: Fall 2011 Poetry

Book for David Meltzer
by Julie Rogers In your chair, your cave head bent to book your prayer, your cradle quiet lights your eyes, fingertips, bowing spine wooing mind

by David Meltzer I wanted to be a stunt man, crashing through glass doors, pound out cowboy hero face in B – movie saloon, fly out

“Imagination Is the Only Lucid Way to Meet Life” — Alan, Pessin
by Will Staple The flying penis prepares a community of antlers a tranquil reunion of great singers a fraternity of the

Sanguis Spiritualis for Constance
by Will Staple The goddess had a veil and no one could look upon her face and lie but one man had to see her face and so he lifted her veil

Strangers When We Meet
by Bill Berkson Homage /Obit I like to have a little secret at the end of my poems, The way nothing is ever finished Nor do I abandon a thing

Holy Shit !
by Amiri Baraka The most Dangerous Religion in the world Is Christianity ! Check the bodies ! Islam & Judaism Are not even Close

Chasin The Ambulance
by Amiri Baraka Where you goin to go If you don’t go Nowhere ? In a circle, a circle of circles Surround the nowhere of your scream. If you not

Political Visionary of Note
by Amiri Baraka In The Sixties George Romero warned us About the Tea Parties to come With his Night of the Living Dead

Year One: Or Why We Need Health Care Reform
by Amiri Baraka We in some hot water Fulla crocodiles. Boy Come along In a boat say “Get in, get in” “I can save yr ass from these crocks And

Ghost Riders in the Sky
by Lewis Warsh It was like a scene from a movie starring Fred MacMurray and Vincent Price: “But I bought you everything you own,” the character