Category: Fall 2010 poets

Padma Thornlyre
resides in the canyon village of Kitteredge, Colorado. His long poem, Mavka, in 51 parts, will appear in 2011.

Richard Taylor
was educated at Dartmouth College, Kiel University (Germany), and Yale. He was a member of the 1964 Olympic Nordic Ski Team. For many years he

Helene Swarts
is a former teacher. She believes that poetry can help us find ourselves and each other. The idyll of Peaks Island, Maine, where she lives, is

Ethan Stebbins
his poetry has appeared in Best New Poets 2008, Poetry, The Hudson Review, The Dark Horse and others. In 2007 – 08 he served as the New

Anele Rubin
poetry has appeared in Amoskeag, Great River Review, The Midwest Quarterly, River Styx, Bitter Oleander, Rhino, Potomac Review, Paterson Literary

Zara Raab
poems and reviews appear (or will soon) in Poetry Flash, West Branch, Arts & Letters, Nimrod, Spoon River Poetry Review, Valparaiso Poetry

Glenn Morazzini
won the 2007 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize, the 2008 Paumanok Poetry Award, A Martin Dibner Poetry Fellowship, and a 2011 Amy Clampitt Residency

Sally Molini
is co-editor for Cerise Press (, an international online journal based in the US and France. Her work has appeared or is

Matt W. Miller
is a former Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry and has published work in Harvard Review, Memorious, Third Coast, and DMQ Review. His first book,

David McCann
is the Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Literature in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and director of the Korea