Category: Spring 2016 Irish Issue

Spell Binding
by Theo Dorgan All day I have been sorting keepsakes, sorting and sifting, selecting — feather, bird–bone, leaf and root, a scrap of bright

by Michael Durack Ceaseless sweep of big muddy water, carry the soul of Magnolia State, spirit of forest and cotton field, soul of Caucasian,

Poets at the Beach
by Eileen Sheehan i.m Maurice J. Reidy, poet No matter what we write, our rivers will insist on flowing downhill; sand will infiltrate our

and he kisses you
by Eileen Sheehan he kisses you tastes your loneliness sings you a song both beautiful and sad he kisses you tastes salt on your tongue thinks he

The routes of loss are varied
by Janice Fitzpatrick-Simmons there is one, it seems to me a narrow mountain track with roiling grey clouds full of fears and rushing wind. I

Easter Rising
by Janice Fitzpatrick-Simmons I lived inside a Shakespearian winter; malcontent, agreeing to a poverty of the soul. And thus agreed, what

Gather In
by Susan Lindsay where the great oak tree has its roots — between them eroded soil affords shelter, the trunk sturdy behind our backs,

by Noel Duffy A memory of rain, of our taxi travelling through deserted streets at dawn, the headlights searching out the road ahead of us as we

by Noel Duffy I felt the pebble of what once was pass between us, beady and hard and durable, as we always knew it to be but had forgotten —

Close Call
by Ciaran O’Driscoll There was a car speeding towards you on the same side of the road, coming