Category: Cafe Review News

Heathcote Williams, radical poet, playwright and actor, dies aged 75
It is with heavy heart that we share the news of our friend Heathcote Williams passing. For those who are unfamiliar with him, here is an excerpt

Comfortable Fog
Check out “A Comfortable Fog” by our editor Steve Luttrell published in this week’s Sun Journal!

Café Review Issue release party in Scotland
Join editor Steve Luttrell and guest editor, Makar Christine de Luca on Friday, 28 July 2017, 18:00 – 20:00 at Blackwell’s Bookshop in

The Café Review written about in
“How most people use small literary magazines nowadays, beyond the contributors racking up more scalps for their resumes, I’m not really

Wayne Atherton in Maintenant 11
Check out some great artwork by our wonderful Art Editor, Wayne Atherton in the latest issue of Maintenance 11. More about the issue and how to

Fastness: A Translation from the English of Edmund Spenser
Check out this new book by Trevor Joyce, a wonderful poet who we had the great privilege of publishing in our Fall 2016 issue. Fastness is being

Lee Sharkey is a Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize Finalist
Congratulations to our Friend and frequent support, Lee Sharkey for becoming a Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize Finalist! She submitted her

Café Review Spring Issue
Coming to a mailbox and newsstand soon, it’s the Spring Issue of the Café Review! Our latest issue will feature an interview with Margaret

Pitching Poetry
Check out this great write up in

Unemployed, Living In A Caravan — And Now, Winner Of A $165,000 Literary Prize
Poets receive gifts from unexpected places (and sometimes think they’re spam:) #poetry #gratitude #greatstories