Category: Cafe Review News

Come join The Café Review in Iceland at Rauða skáldahúsið: Golden Age with Poetry Brothel
So let’s say you happen to find yourself in Iceland on July 8th around 8pm, and lets’ say, for a moment, that you are looking for an

Eat, Drink, Be Merry and Support the Café Review on May 31
We, the staff and volunteers of the Café Review, would like to invite you to join us for some live music, delicious food and craft cocktails on

Seve Luttrell to read at UPEI on May 25
Our very own Steve Luttrell will be reading at UPEI on May 25. Come by and say hello. Below is the complete UPEI press release about his upcoming

An Old Man’s Ugly Plans: Sketchbook Paintings by Andrew Abbott
Artist Andrew Abbott has been featured in more then one previous issue of The Café Review and created our Fall 2016 Issue cover. If you are a

Steve Luttrell reading at Bowery Poetry
Steve Luttrell reading at the Bowery Poetry in New York yesterday. You can check out more about Bowery Poetry and other upcoming events on their

Steve at The Bowery
From the Bowery website: Sun, 29 April 2018 // 05:30 PM Bowery Poetry, 308 Bowery, NYC (map) “Please join us for the next reading of

Placitas poet Larry Goodell book signing
If you are in Albuquerque on April 28, placitas poet Larry Goodell (Fall 2016 The Cafe Review poet) will sign “Nothing to Laugh About” in

Megan Grumbling poem in The Portland Press Herald
If you have a chance, pick up a Portland Press Herald and check out reviews editor Megan Grumbling’s poem, “Vacation”. Here is

Art opening May 3 with Spring 2018 Artist Matt Blackwell!
One of our fabulous Spring 2018 Artists, Matt Blackwell will be having an art opening with Kathi Smith at the Greenhut Gallery in Portland,

The Paper Coast by Jefferson Navicky
Check out staff member, Jefferson Navicky’s “first book of stories, The Paper Coast, that was just published by Spuyten Duyvil. The