Café Review Issue release party in Scotland

Join editor Steve Luttrell and guest editor, Makar Christine de Luca on Friday,  28 July 2017, 18:00 – 20:00 at Blackwell’s Bookshop in Edinburgh, Scotland for a Café Review Issue release party. For more info, check out the Eventbrite and Facebook event link below.

From the Eventbrite listing: “Blackwell’s Bookshop is delighted to host the launch of a bumper Scottish edition of The Café Press, an American poetry journal. Guest edited by Edinburgh Makar Christine de Luca, their Scottish Poetry Issue is a triumphant celebration of the fine variety of voices Scotland has to offer.

So come along for an evening of poetry, chat and wine.

Refreshments will be served from 6pm, and readings will get underway at 6:30pm.”

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