Memorize This Sentence for Casual Use in Conversation
by Taylor Mali If you were the type of person who could, without the slightest hesitation, open your mouth and utter forth one beautiful sentence
Maine Burial Plot
by Thomas R. Moore Granite posts square a God’s acre, a tiny plot of blueberries and asters beside a crushed– stone drive to three new
In the Gully
by Thomas R. Moore After I set my book aside and turned off the Sox in the fifth when Ortiz whiffed for the second time, I dreamed of whales,
by John Driscoll, M.D. This morning I sank into myself Putting aside the cigarettes and whiskey I dropped like a stone leaving but a vanishing
by John Driscoll, M.D. He whispered seamlessly to his wooden man whose lips moved, eyes bobbed and who was painted into a black suit effortlessly
Urban Hymn
by Dan Murphy — Es mejor vestir Santos que desvestir borrachos