Jazz Night at the Museum
by Leonore Hildebrandt For the modernist, an egg shattered in the street. A heart? Straggling notes court the monkey tree. “It
Hunched Over Shallows
by Jeff Hardin (Columbia, Tennessee) I must have looked ridiculous, hunched over the shallows, steering a red Solo cup behind the minnows
August is Why
by David Filer There’s a certain Slant of light, Winter Afternoons — — Emily Dickinson, Poem #258 Don’t take too much
by David Filer The sad, lucent, malevolence of the heavens . . . — David St. John, Lucifer by Starlight The stars emerge at
by Alice Bolstridge All living, dying things I touch or see deceive my knowing — the world’s not me, it’s other: bear, rock, beech tree. Touching
Self Similarity
by Alice Bolstridge Veins map surfaces. In mayflower petals and leaves, they form boundaries of smaller and smaller patterns. Things branch —