Nubians Contemplate Lake Nasser Behind the High Dam at Aswan
by Norbert Hirschhorn They stand on concrete pylons, pinions of steel, imagining landmarks they can no longer see: acacias, date palms, orange
Three Sisters
by Norbert Hirschhorn work the streets of Leicester Square. One peddles ribbons for your sweetie’s hair, the next hawks roses filched from front
Town Clock
by Russell Rowland When the wind is right, I hear the strike of the downtown steeple clock. Though annually uncertain of the date His own Son
Insomnia, Part II
by Alan Elyshevitz I am solvent, well – ventilated. No one has spurned me. The trees in my window efface the wind. Yet my murmurings catch
Helpless Observer
by Leah Twitchell As the baby rolled and tumbled Down a full flight of stairs, Slow motion kicked in And what took seconds seemed like years. I
by Leah Twitchell She was rearranging the furniture In her parent’s house — As if by changing the shape of the house as it had been then, The