The Emperor of Terracotta Roofs Confronts the Jester
by Myronn Hardy
The Emperor of Terracotta Roofs Confronts the Jester
He is standing at the highest point of the roof.
That beautiful blue thing stares
at that high cerulean. Sirens emergency
sirens spin red on tops of cars vans on
walls where glass has been broken.
He is bewildered rearing his head to scream.
The emperor screams for what has
fallen for what has become
material cold stitched together
with something barbed.
Down from the top he is careful.
His pale blue feet clutching those tiles he
prances on the roof ’s edge balancing
his train of feathers each possessing an eye each
seeing what it sees despite the agony of gaze.
What has erupted continues to kill.
The jester is juggling glass spheres
on the balcony. He watches
the emperor turn stare as if to strike.
The emperor calls.
The blush of his tongue the tunnel of his throat
something soft against that serrated sound.
Sirens sirens as spheres shatter
on limestone on moving cars that keep moving.
We only have air left in our hands.